Speaking of impersonators, there was some talk back in 2010 of Mitchell Johnson having an evil twin. You could never tell in a game if you were going to get real Mitch or fake Mitch. I think this game has made it clear that evil twin Mitch is absolutely the one we want and if the other one is tied up and gagged somewhere, we're comfortable with that. Don't shave the moustache Mitch, you need it to twirl. How many times have I stressed the crucial role of hair in this game?
And speaking of hair, I didn't think the "Armageddon" player backdrops were really working for Nathan Lyon...
... until I grasped the Nicolas-Cage-in-Con Air inspiration...

... which makes Nathan the natural leader. Do you think people would laugh too much if he grew out his hair?
And back to impersonators again, I was going to suggest that Tremlett was more Lurch in the end than any of the other monsters that get thrown up, then I felt bad about someone getting compared to a monster so much and decided to go down another track:

I know David Bowie is still many people's idea of a freak, but it's a comparison that preserves his dignity.
And on to something else. Great post-match press conference from Alastair Cook, he was the perfect pouting private-school boy, snapping "You don't need me to explain it to you" at a journalist when asked why England lost.
You won't win friends with petulance, Mr Cook, ask Ricky Ponting in
2005. Keep it up though, because it's great fun to watch.
P.S. Is there a better advertisement for veganism than Peter Siddle? Plenty of energy and no high ground (as far as I know. His girlfriend is an animal activist). I would like to get my hands on some of his recipes, though I'm guessing he's a "food as fuel" sort and just inhales bananas and nuts.
P.P.S. Anyone else noticed Chris Rogers' manky arm guard? Maybe a lucky one like Steve Waugh's cap/hanky? It looked like he lent it to Peter Siddle. Who in turn seemed lent it to James Anderson. Is there but one arm guard in the world? No wonder it's manky.
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